The list is looking better but not as far as I was hoping. Moved into the house on Saturday but the laundry room and hallway still need a lot of work. Oh, and those pesky toilet/vanity things, they'll be installed this weekend. Once the laundry room is done there will be a easy way to divide the house so that dust doesn't get into the living area. Taking a shower in the bathroom felt good after all of the work that went into it. Being in the crawlspace this morning trying to figure out why the heater didn't work on the other hand did not feel so good.
Bath tile Soap disho
Smooth bedroom wallso
Bathroom ceilingo
Bathroom floor cement board and tileo
Texture bedroomso
paint bedrooms/bathroomo
Half bath dooro
Laundry/half bath wallo Drywall hallway and
laundry roomo Mud and smooth laundry and hallway walls
o Laundry floor cement board and tile
o Texture hallway and laundry room
o Paint hallway and luandry room
Here are a couple of before pictures in preparation of the finished pictures coming soon.