Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oh my there is a lot to do back there.

Here is my very sad looking back yard. The tree is a cherry and off to the right out side of the camera view is a pear tree. The concrete blocks are the functional and rather unstylish vetetable garden to be. There is about 3 yards of dirt still to move once the sprinklers are repurposed for drip irrigation. The triangle support things were once the legs of a trebuchet but the novelty wore off and now they will be the legs for a composter. The seeds were planted indoors last week and it looks like the nights in the low 30s are about over. Some of the fence blew over in a wind last month and some of the yard doesn't even have fence. Once all of the fencing is taken care of the doggy jail back in the corner will be removed and that space will become garden as well.
Boy is there a lot planned for this summer...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like your yard. I like the trees. So far still no book, but the writing (as opposed to just endless outlining) has begun. New format for writing. Fiance is coding me a toy for that. You will be invited to play with it when it gets on its feet, not that you will have time.
