A lot of progress was made last weekend. Most of the shower tile is in, the soap dish was the wrong color so that isn't tiled in yet. The cement board for the floor tile was installed. The walls are damn close to being ready for texture too. Putting the mud on the walls took me about 20 hours, sanding and sponging down the topping compound took me, my parents and the gf about 30 total hours and there is about 5 or so hours of work left. That was just for two bedrooms and a bathroom. There is a refrigerator (cooling beer and leftovers at the moment) plus an oven and dish washer that aren't connected yet. On top of all the progress last weekend cost considerably less than the previous weekend buying appliances and there is internet at the house. The WHOLE internet! The biggest disappointment to the weekend was that the 3 doors I'd spent so long hanging and trying to get perfect are out of alignment again... time for the hand planner...

As for the shrinking list,
Bath tile Soap dish
Smooth bedroom wallso
Bathroom ceilingo Bathroom floor
cement board and tile
o Texture bedrooms
o paint bedrooms/bathroom
o Half bath door
o Laundry/half bath wall
o Drywall hallway/half bath
o Mud/smooth laundry/hallway walls
o Laundry floor cement board/tile
o Texture/paint hallway and laundry room
By the end of tomorrow I'm hoping to be ready for texturing.