A lot to report and as usual the pictures will be late. The hall closet is done and more stuff got to be unpacked. Had an electrical scare. There was 2' of old wire between two sections of new wire so I replaced it. The breaker would flip when ever the lights that were connected got turned on. Turned out that the wire I replaced had no ground so when I hooked the ground up it revealed a short in a light. Bought a used french door that needs a little work but saved $300 and got the door installed so the poorly insulated addition that has no heat ducts is isolated from the rest of the house. The great room is much warmer now, 4-6 degrees. Also got an insulation blanket on the hot water heater and sealed up cracks in the duct work. The gas bill should go down considerably. Most happily I also got to spend several hours in the garage organizing and cleaning up. Perhaps fondling my new table saw too. It's so quiet, and accurate and big. It's going to be a great help when it comes time to make the kitchen cabinets. Speaking of the kitchen tomorrow is the official start of working on it. Time to rip things out. Oh and a new hall light to boot.
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